I was compelled to put together a collection of my poppy pictures from my garden and put some music in the background to add a meditative mood. I hope you enjoy the outcome.
"Happiness, that grand mistress of the ceremonies in the dance of life, impels us through all its mazes and meanderings, but leads none of us by the same route." Albert Camus
Sunday, April 17, 2011
I was compelled to put together a collection of my poppy pictures from my garden and put some music in the background to add a meditative mood. I hope you enjoy the outcome.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Almost all of my life I have wanted to write. What does that statement mean? wanted to write...... Really all of my life I have been writing. It is the one thing that has been a consistent friend, my therapy, through all the good times, but especially the bad. When I say I wanted to write, what I really mean is that I wanted to get paid for writing. I wanted to write that perfect novel, the love story, the biography, even the news story that would end up being a best seller. So why haven't I done it?
Looking back I would say that I have made a lot of excuses. The only really honest reason is probably the fear surrounded with not completing something that I start. I remember birthdays coming and going and saying, ok, this is the year.. and that year would pass and still the book was only an outline on the paper. I probably have at least 10 books outlined and journaled and put away in my basement.
What is going to push me to start an finish my book project? Perhaps it will be that I want a memoir to give my friend's girls when they are old enough to want to know about their Mom. Or maybe it will be the one gift that I can leave behind for my own children and grandchildren?
In this day of reality TV and fast-paced computer stories is there room for another novel about life? Who cares. It isn't about what other people want anyway. I am not the people pleasing Momma anymore. There is only one person who has to like what I write and that is ME.
Looking back I would say that I have made a lot of excuses. The only really honest reason is probably the fear surrounded with not completing something that I start. I remember birthdays coming and going and saying, ok, this is the year.. and that year would pass and still the book was only an outline on the paper. I probably have at least 10 books outlined and journaled and put away in my basement.
What is going to push me to start an finish my book project? Perhaps it will be that I want a memoir to give my friend's girls when they are old enough to want to know about their Mom. Or maybe it will be the one gift that I can leave behind for my own children and grandchildren?
In this day of reality TV and fast-paced computer stories is there room for another novel about life? Who cares. It isn't about what other people want anyway. I am not the people pleasing Momma anymore. There is only one person who has to like what I write and that is ME.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
The envelope sat
Unopened, untouched
Silent as the empty room
If I waited
Another minute
One more hour
Until next week
Would the message change?
Plain white envelope
No addressee name
It had to be for me
I was the only one here.
In my hand
It felt cold to the touch
Like a leaf that
Had fallen off the
Tree in the dead of winter
I opened it slowly
With caution
As if the words
Were sharp razor blades
That would cut my fingers.
I am so sorry
-it started-
I was so afraid
To be with you
And give you my heart.
I know one day
I will regret
That I left this way
Just a note
Like a sad love song
Left unfinished.
It hung
over the faucet
like a limp
leaf of lettuce
Smelling of
of tuna fish
coffee and
slightly spoiled milk.
How could
you allow
your beautiful
yellow daisies
take on the
look of the
garden soil?
Just yesterday
you were so
so fresh
like summer sunshine
and ready
to fulfill
your purpose
in life.
Maybe someone
will take pity
on you and
spill a bit
of green apple
on your porcelain
Monday, March 28, 2011
It's not that I don't want to look at codependency and its implications. It just gives me a headache. When I was in a terrible codependent marriage, I knew how unhealthy it was. I was so isolated and in denial about the psychological abuse that I was allowing to happen to me. And now I have to take a serious look at codependency in regards to being a supportive MOM or being an enabler to my daughter's addiction.
I am beginning to see that as her gambling addiction got worse, my enabling also became worse. I just didn't want to see her in pain or getting herself into legal problems. Or even worse, I couldn't imagine my child homeless and living out of her car. This was my daughter who always had well paying jobs and money to burn. And now I see that I was just prolonging the inevitable of her hitting bottom. I just had such a difficult time watching her falling farther and farther into the depths of addiction.
In the final few months we really didn't have contact except when she would phone and say that she didn't know where she was, but knew she didn't have enough gas money to get her home from where she was. As a mother it seemed impossible for me to abandon her. And yet it didn't seem like she was doing anything to help herself. Then the phone calls just stopped. I had no idea if she was dead or alive. The only place I could find any evidence that she was still on this earth was an updated posting on Facebook. Then the call came begging to come home. How could I say no?
I guess if I hadn't just come to the realization that she was not going to get well without getting into inpatient rehab, she would still be acting out her addiction. She would have found a friend to help her get a job, give her a place to live, and for a few months she would have pulled herself together. Gosh who is to say that once she gets out of rehab, this won't be what happens. I know that all I can do now is stand firm and not help her out anymore. As I say this I just realized that once again I was allowing myself to be victim to my daughter's addictive behaviors.
Codependency is like a slithering slug that slinks in to your life and before you know it your whole life is covered with its horrible sticky slime.
I am beginning to see that as her gambling addiction got worse, my enabling also became worse. I just didn't want to see her in pain or getting herself into legal problems. Or even worse, I couldn't imagine my child homeless and living out of her car. This was my daughter who always had well paying jobs and money to burn. And now I see that I was just prolonging the inevitable of her hitting bottom. I just had such a difficult time watching her falling farther and farther into the depths of addiction.
In the final few months we really didn't have contact except when she would phone and say that she didn't know where she was, but knew she didn't have enough gas money to get her home from where she was. As a mother it seemed impossible for me to abandon her. And yet it didn't seem like she was doing anything to help herself. Then the phone calls just stopped. I had no idea if she was dead or alive. The only place I could find any evidence that she was still on this earth was an updated posting on Facebook. Then the call came begging to come home. How could I say no?
I guess if I hadn't just come to the realization that she was not going to get well without getting into inpatient rehab, she would still be acting out her addiction. She would have found a friend to help her get a job, give her a place to live, and for a few months she would have pulled herself together. Gosh who is to say that once she gets out of rehab, this won't be what happens. I know that all I can do now is stand firm and not help her out anymore. As I say this I just realized that once again I was allowing myself to be victim to my daughter's addictive behaviors.
Codependency is like a slithering slug that slinks in to your life and before you know it your whole life is covered with its horrible sticky slime.
destructive behavior,
self help,
sober living,
Friday, March 25, 2011
A lot has happened in my life since I published my list of Life Lessons I Have Learned. As a member of the baby boomer generation I am facing my own mortality. My parents have both passed away and with this experience I have gained even more wisdom. Of course it is nothing extraordinary. It is living through the experience that gives me more insight.
What I would add to this list below is that if you are honored to be with someone that you love while they are passing from this life... just keep pinching yourself to stay in the moment. Honor them by listening to them and giving them comfort. Do not start mourning before they leave or you will miss the greatest opportunity of a lifetime - and that is just to BE PRESENT for them. Enjoy the memories of those last few moments because when they are over - you will relive them in your mind over and over.
Take advantage of opportunities as they
arise. If you don’t someone else will.
2. Enjoy each
moment as if it is your last. (Sometime
it will be)
3. Listen to your
inner voice. That is your
intuition. It is your connection between
your heart and your head. If you ignore
it too much, you may quiet it forever.
4. Each one of us
shapes our own reality. You have the
choice to make your reality what you want it to be. People who constantly think that they are a
victim of their circumstances, create the reality of being a victim.
5. What you think
about expands. If you think you are
happy, you will be happy. If you think
you are sad, you will be sad. Be careful
to think about only what you want to expand. (This is quite difficult to
achieve at first but with a bit of exercise, it becomes easier and easier.)
6. Create
memories for your later years when you can sit back and recall your life. That
doesn’t mean that you will stop making memories, however, sometimes our
physical body starts to deteriorate with age, and it is difficult to do some of
the more extreme pleasures that we were able to in our youth.
7. Live your life
with integrity. When faced with a
decision, reach into your heart and examine the options and then make choices
that align with your integrity.
8. Cherish silence
in your life. Create time to just be
silent. Stop your mind from all its
frantic activity and just be.
with your passion. Push the limits and
step outside your comfort zone. This is
a way to stretch your comfort zone. Try
to do one thing everyday that will put you outside of your comfort zone.
10. Take care of
your physical body as the precious vessel of life that it is. Feed it with nourishing food. Exercise your muscles, drink plenty of water,
and try to eliminate toxic emotions.
11. When faced with a big challenge in life,
remember how you faced this before. Our
lives will be full of mountains to climb, and with practice, each mountain
becomes easier to conquer.
12. Go with the
flow. Row, row, row your boat, gently
down the stream. Merrily, merrily,
merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.
When it feels like you are fighting with the rest of the world, you
probably are. Let go of the need to
control everybody and everything around you.
If you feel like everywhere you turn there is a roadblock, that is
because people react to controlling people by trying to counterbalance with
their own control. Let go of the need to
13. When in doubt about how to deal with a
problem, look to see how nature takes care of its problems. Every problem in nature has a solution. If there is an earthquake and the land can’t
take the stress, it splits apart. Think
about that when you are experiencing a lot of stress in your life. If your body can’t handle it, it will also
split apart in the form of illness.
14. Let go of the need to have other peoples’
approval. This was an agreement we
entered into when we were too young to know better. As an adult we have only one person that we
have to have approval from…. OURSELF.
15. Be your own
person in love with yourself. Be very
kind to that person that you love.
Nourish yourself with nurturing thoughts. As an adult you now can make the right choices
for your soul and spirit. Be the parent
that you always wanted to have and love the helpless child that remains inside
of you. Heal your childhood wounds in
order to fulfill all of your dreams and live the life you have always dreamed
16. Forgive
anybody that you feel has done something against you. Ask for forgiveness if you have done anything
against another person. Most important….
FORGIVE YOURSELF. I think we all
understand the idea of forgiveness. If
we can forgive and be forgiven, it allows us to let go of negative energy and
replace it with positive energy. In
addition to these two steps, however, is a third step, and perhaps the hardest
to achieve. Forgive yourself. Once you can truly forgive yourself of your
indiscretions then you are ready to let go of all the negative energy that the
circumstance has created and move ahead in your life.
17. Nature abhors
a vacuum. If you find that your life
feels empty or that you are continuously feeling lonely, then you probably have
a vacuum in your life. What the vacuum
does is sucks in something to fill up that empty space. If it is not filled with positive, creative
plans and ideas, it will fill up with “something else”. Sometimes this “something else” will be
sadness, loneliness, and feelings of emptiness.
It is important to fill the vacuum with lots of positive and creative
plans, events, and plenty of nourishing pampering ideas so that there is no
place for the negative to creep in. Once
again, this takes a lot of practice to achieve, but gets easier over time.
We avoid the things that we're
afraid of because we think there will be
dire consequences if we confront
them. But the truly dire consequences in
our lives come from avoiding
things that we need to learn about or discover.
-- Shakti Gawain
baby boomer,
Joann Shawn,
Thursday, March 24, 2011
One week ago my best friend passed away in her sleep. Her death was totally unexpected. I know that this happens to people everyday. I don't assume that what I am going through is anything that other people haven't experienced. And yet I am still in shock and trying to come to terms with her passing.
It never dawned on me how much of my life revolved around our friendship. We didn't live in the same state and haven't for over 5 years. During that time, however, we became closer than ever via the telephone. At least 3 times a week we would call each other and talk for hours. So now it seems strange that the person that I shared everything with, is not there to talk to. So what do you do when your best friend dies?
The only thing I can think of doing is to start writing down everything that I can remember about her. Her life was so troubled. She was alienated from her family and yet now that she has passed away they have rushed in to claim her body and mourn. It is such a strange feeling. I think I am one of only about 3 people on this earth who knows the truth about her life, all that she endured from an abusive childhood to addictions in adulthood. Why do these people who never wanted to give her the time of day when she was alive all of a sudden want to pretend that they care that she died?
I am sure it may take me a long time to make sense of any of all of this. Maybe I never will. It really makes me wonder about what happens to us after we pass away. I want to believe that there is an afterlife, or reincarnation. I want to believe that all that happens on earth suddenly makes sense after death. But I am afraid I don't have knowledge or faith that allows me to believe in the here and beyond.
It never dawned on me how much of my life revolved around our friendship. We didn't live in the same state and haven't for over 5 years. During that time, however, we became closer than ever via the telephone. At least 3 times a week we would call each other and talk for hours. So now it seems strange that the person that I shared everything with, is not there to talk to. So what do you do when your best friend dies?
The only thing I can think of doing is to start writing down everything that I can remember about her. Her life was so troubled. She was alienated from her family and yet now that she has passed away they have rushed in to claim her body and mourn. It is such a strange feeling. I think I am one of only about 3 people on this earth who knows the truth about her life, all that she endured from an abusive childhood to addictions in adulthood. Why do these people who never wanted to give her the time of day when she was alive all of a sudden want to pretend that they care that she died?
I am sure it may take me a long time to make sense of any of all of this. Maybe I never will. It really makes me wonder about what happens to us after we pass away. I want to believe that there is an afterlife, or reincarnation. I want to believe that all that happens on earth suddenly makes sense after death. But I am afraid I don't have knowledge or faith that allows me to believe in the here and beyond.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
She wasn't known by many and yet everyone who met her loved her infectious energy. On Thursday during the night the universe called my darling friend home. She was only 48 years young. And she spent many of those years in a struggle to maintain sobriety. Thankfully the past year of her life she was winning the war against the demons that she lived with.
There are so many things that are sad about a vibrant life cut short too soon. She had so many plans of how she wanted to raise her daughters. We would talk endlessly about the books we were going to write together, plans of trips we were going to take, and even conversations that we didn't have time to exchange. Donna, I am so sad to say goodbye, and at the same time I know that your suffering on this earthly plane is finished.
We always joked that when our time here was over we would meet again in that other dimension. We would recognize each other, standing waiting at a bus stop, and we would say to each other - "Do you believe what just happened!" Of course every time she said that to me, I never believed that she would get to the bus stop before me.
Baruch dayan ha'emet-----Blessed be the Judge of Truth
Friday, March 18, 2011
There is one thing that I notice happening. On my days off I start off on Thursday really enthusiastic to clean, work in the yard, finish little projects that I have on going. Then on Friday morning I wake up, slowly get my day started, and after breakfast I don't feel like doing anything. I almost feel like I deserve to take a day off and just vegetate. Problem is on Saturday and Sunday I also don't feel like doing anything. I wonder what this is all about? It is almost like now that I have more free time, I just shut down.
Yesterday I took a few minutes for myself and perused my favorite book store. There I saw a book with the title WHEN I RELAX I FEEL GUILTY
1. I needed to take more time for myself
2. I should stop feeling guilty
3. It is OK for me to wake up in the morning, not go to work, and enjoy my life.
When I Relax I Feel Guilty
Thursday, March 17, 2011
I love the Morning At Dawn
This is the time of the day when my brain seems both empty and full at the same time. My thoughts are always so much clearer and I am able to soar from one beautiful place to the next. It is in this moment of in between day and night that I can hear the Universal voice speak to me so clearly.
Today in my meditation I found myself flitting back and forth between lists of things I have done right and things I have done wrong in my life. When I started to ponder upon all of these things I realized that many of the things that I have done wrong have actually been my most valuable lessons learned in life. So how can I really judge that something was right or wrong. It is all a part of me and my journey.
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