"Happiness, that grand mistress of the ceremonies in the dance of life, impels us through all its mazes and meanderings, but leads none of us by the same route." Albert Camus

Sunday, April 17, 2011


There is something so beautiful and tender about the poppy.  Like every flower it has so many different phases to its life.  Something that I had never noticed is that a poppy is just as beautiful in it's blooming phase as it is when it is withering and dying.  It has been used as a symbol for death, sleep, resurrection, and eternal life.  And of course the red corn poppy is the symbol used for remembrance on Memorial Day.

I was compelled to put together a collection of my poppy pictures from my garden and put some music in the background to add a meditative mood.  I hope you enjoy the outcome.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Almost all of my life I have wanted to write.  What does that statement mean?  wanted to write...... Really all of my life I have been writing.  It is the one thing that has been a consistent friend, my therapy, through all the good times, but especially the bad.  When I say I wanted to write, what I really mean is that I wanted to get paid for writing.  I wanted to write that perfect novel, the love story, the biography, even the news story that would end up being a best seller.  So why haven't I done it?

Looking back I would say that I have made a lot of excuses.  The only really honest reason is probably the fear surrounded with not completing something that I start.  I remember birthdays coming and going and saying, ok, this is the year.. and that year would pass and still the book was only an outline on the paper.  I probably have at least 10 books outlined and journaled and put away in my basement.

What is going to push me to start an finish my book project?  Perhaps it will be that I want a memoir to give my friend's girls when they are old enough to want to know about their Mom.  Or maybe it will be the one gift that I can leave behind for my own children and grandchildren?

In this day of reality TV and fast-paced computer stories is there room for another novel about life?  Who cares.  It isn't about what other people want anyway.  I am not the people pleasing Momma anymore. There is only one person who has to like what I write and that is ME.

Saturday, April 9, 2011




It hung
over the faucet
like a limp
leaf of lettuce
Smelling of
of tuna fish
coffee and
slightly spoiled milk.
How could
you allow
your beautiful
yellow daisies
take on the
look of the
garden soil?
Just yesterday
you were so
so fresh
like summer sunshine
and ready
to fulfill
your purpose
in life.
Maybe someone
will take pity
on you and
spill a bit
of green apple
on your porcelain